Verified Discord Server Requirements

Verified Discord Server Requirements

Verified servers are a way for Discord to ensure that the server is authentic and trustworthy. Verified servers have a checkmark next to their name, which indicates that the server is legitimate and has been verified by Discord. Verified servers are also eligible for the Discord Partner Program, which provides additional benefits to the server owner.

If you are a Discord user or server owner, you may be wondering how to get your server verified. Discord offers a Verified Server program to help ensure that servers with a large following are legitimate and safe. In this article, we will cover the criteria for a server to get verified, as well as some advice on how to fulfill these criteria.

Verified Server Requirements:

To become a Verified Server on Discord, there are a few requirements that must be met. These requirements include:

  1. The server must be owned and managed by a reputable organization or individual.
  2. The server must have a large following and be active.
  3. The server must have an official website, social media accounts, or other online presence.
  4. The server must have clear and concise rules, as well as a system in place for reporting rule violations.
  5. The server must comply with Discord’s Community Guidelines and Terms of Service.

Meeting these requirements is the first step toward getting your server verified. It is important to note that meeting these requirements does not guarantee verification, as Discord also takes into account the server’s overall behavior and history.

Tips for Meeting Verified Server Requirements:

  1. Build a strong community: One of the most important aspects of getting your server verified is having a large following. This means that you need to concentrate on growing a solid community on your server. Motivate your members to invite their friends, join in events, and interact with each other.
  2. Create an official website: Having an official website for your server can help establish credibility and legitimacy. Your website should include information about your server, its rules, and any events or updates.
  3. Be active and engaged: Discord wants to see that your server is active and engaged. This means that you should regularly host events, encourage discussions, and create a welcoming environment for your members.
  4. Enforce clear and concise rules: Having clear and concise rules is essential for creating a safe and enjoyable community. Make sure your rules are easily accessible and understandable and enforce them consistently.
  5. Follow Discord’s Community Guidelines and Terms of Service: Discord has strict guidelines and terms of service that all servers must follow. Make sure that your server complies with these guidelines to avoid being flagged for inappropriate behavior.

What are the Requirements for Verifying a Discord Bot?

When verifying a Discord bot, there are a few important requirements to consider. First, ensure your bot’s code is stable and well-documented. Then, register your application on Discord’s developer portal and create a bot user. Before the verification process, ensure your bot follows Discord’s terms of service and guidelines. Finally, submit your bot for verification, providing a detailed description and any necessary permissions. These discord bot verification tips will help ensure a smooth verification process.


To sum up, getting your server verified on Discord is an excellent way to show that your server is trustworthy and reputable. By fulfilling the criteria and applying the advice given in this article, you can boost your chances of getting your server verified. Remember to concentrate on growing a solid community, making an official website, being active and responsive, enforcing clear and concise rules, and following Discord’s Community Guidelines and Terms of Service. With these tips in mind, you’ll be ready to get your server verified on Discord in a snap.

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